Search found 4100 matches

Fuck Wendy s

dammit if there wasn't a boot on my car I would be driving down to my local wendy's right now for a thick delicious frosty frozen dessert. you know they've totally revamped the frosty, right? It's awesome. I know they have vanilla Frostys now, which can also be purchased as a root beer float, but t...

How would you would break the ice with a blind woman?

YOU ALL OUGHTA WATCH WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THE BLIND LADY. For all we know, she could be reading this right now... for all you know, she could. There was a huge project at an ISP I used to work for being developed by a friend and one other member of the IP Engineering team who just happened to be comp...

Dairy Queen s new flavor- The Double-Dipped Democratic Party

somebody replaced my black sabbath record with bloodgood! hahahaha holy shit. heather has just climbed to the top of my "favorite EA posters" list solely by mentioning the Metal Missionaries. I was kinda brought up on a lot of Christian metal, see. Any...

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