Tech Podcasts

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:I like this Skip Simmons guy - a vintage Fender repair affiicianado that reports to have repaired thousands of old amps. He doesn t mind throwing shade on certain builders and seems eccentric enough to be entertaining. He doesn t call any forums out specifically but it seems like he hates The Gear Page, which should be a requirement for everyone who has any business in front of a microphone. The title is pretty clickbaity, but I do think there is some good advice in there. Most importantly, he s suspicious about the boutique craze and is pretty realistic about the massive amount of grift that happens in that market, so you won t hear him promising the sound of ˜angels singing on the treble strings or any such bullshit. His fees seem really reasonable, which I think says a lot, considering that a lot of these paypigs are suspicious of any amp they don t have to pay a shit load for. The Truth About Vintage AmpsLoving every minute of this so far -- thanks for sharing!

Tech Podcasts

I wrote into Skip Simmons podcast and they answered my question on air about 43 minutes in. I was basically trying to blame a string of recent amp malfunctions on my shitty practice space (probably like ones we ve all spent time in), but he wasn t quite buying it. And it s SouthEAST Texas, not Southwest Texas.

Tech Podcasts

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:I wrote into Skip Simmons podcast and they answered my question on air about 43 minutes in. I was basically trying to blame a string of recent amp malfunctions on my shitty practice space (probably like ones we ve all spent time in), but he wasn t quite buying it. And it s SouthEAST Texas, not Southwest Texas.LOL I listened to this one yesterday and i'll admit I was a little bummed he didnt answer regarding the amp I built for you. I really wanted to hear him go "BAAAWWWLLS?? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SHIT!?"Anyway...i'm into the podcast but not super into a lot of his answers about stuff. He's SO into that country/surf/jazz world that he cant fathom anyone needing an amp as loud as a Super Reverb, which I think is ridiculous. I think it was i that same episode that he answered about pulling a pair of tubes in a 100W amp and he was like yeah you CAN do that but it wont solve your volume problems because your amp will never not be quiet and you need a deluxe reverb. He doesnt mention smaller cabs, speaker efficiency, etc. Also I find the idea of reviving past-their-prime electrolytics with a variac to be ridiculous. There's not mojo in EVERY vintage part.

Tech Podcasts

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:lol yeah and that they talk about Champs as much as they do is telling. What kind of drummers are these people playing with?
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Tech Podcasts

Dr Tony Balls wrote:I was a little bummed he didnt answer regarding the amp I built for you. I really wanted to hear him go BAAAWWWLLS?? WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SHIT!?Anyway...i'm into the podcast but not super into a lot of his answers about stuff. He's SO into that country/surf/jazz world that he cant fathom anyone needing an amp as loud as a Super Reverb, which I think is ridiculous. I think it was i that same episode that he answered about pulling a pair of tubes in a 100W amp and he was like yeah you CAN do that but it wont solve your volume problems because your amp will never not be quiet and you need a deluxe reverb. He doesnt mention smaller cabs, speaker efficiency, etc. Also I find the idea of reviving past-their-prime electrolytics with a variac to be ridiculous. There's not mojo in EVERY vintage part.Yeah, I thought it was cool to hear mention of a BALLS amp out in the world and I hoped he would ask after it.I love that he worked up on a drawbridge and repaired amps between ships coming by. I also love how he starts so many answers with an old man's exasperated sigh. Skip is a great character and I enjoy hearing his answers to things even if they are sort of particular or old-school or whatever the word is. I'm not very good at amp repair so what do I know, but it's weird to me that I've listened to all 9 episodes of amp repair and he has never mentioned checking the voltages as a way of diagnosing where a problem lies within an amp. Maybe that's just not his angle with the podcast.

Tech Podcasts

While it's not incredibly heavy on the "Hard Tech..." aspect, this Tone-Talk episode with James Brown from Amptweaker is a pretty interesting look into his time at Peavey(his first project was the "VTM" series and he goes into that the Butcher was just before his time). He also designed the 5150 series. That's a good bit of what they discuss. There's some priceless "Eddie at Peavey..." stuff there.They also touch on how much the gain/treble evolution of Eddie's signature amps throughout the years may have been the result of his hearing gradually declining.The bit on the design of the Amptweaker compressor pedal(later on in the discussion) is also pretty interesting.- Stream Link:\_campaign=w\_share\_ep&utm\_medium=dlink&utm\_source=w\_share- Download Link:

Tech Podcasts

llllllllllllllllllllllll wrote:I like this Skip Simmons guy - a vintage Fender repair affiicianado that reports to have repaired thousands of old amps. He doesn t mind throwing shade on certain builders and seems eccentric enough to be entertaining. He doesn t call any forums out specifically but it seems like he hates The Gear Page, which should be a requirement for everyone who has any business in front of a microphone. The title is pretty clickbaity, but I do think there is some good advice in there. Most importantly, he s suspicious about the boutique craze and is pretty realistic about the massive amount of grift that happens in that market, so you won t hear him promising the sound of ˜angels singing on the treble strings or any such bullshit. His fees seem really reasonable, which I think says a lot, considering that a lot of these paypigs are suspicious of any amp they don t have to pay a shit load for. The Truth About Vintage AmpsI'm starting to hate this guy. He just said "Except for Marshalls, English amps are quirky" and that they are "hard to work on". What a fuckin dope.

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