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Post a poem you love or wrote

Thanks for the positive feedback!It has inspired me to write today, so I googled poetry prompts and used them to whip up a batch:PilgrimageThe sages and followers came by the caravanThe topography taxing the elephantsThe possibilities of magic inspired them on(The drovers, not the elephants)Camels f...

Post a poem you love or wrote

Great music is falling out of our pockets, rolling amidst brandednapkins and fast-food containers.When the arcade claw crane drops down the uncovered drain, it nevercomes up with that great music which is never heard again.Great music becomes a currency of curios for deaf vermin in the sewers.Great ...

Major vs. Minor (musically)

Oh, and if I have to pick a single one of the modes, it's gonna be Dorian. Second choice would be Locrian, Phrygian, or Lydian, all of which have that tritone in there, yeah? phrygian doesn't. also, fly, technically there is no minor 5th. if you flat it, it's diminished, not minor. if you don't, it...

Band: King Crimson

King Crimson - Aug. 06, 2008 Chicago, Illinois Park West King Crimson - Aug. 07, 2008 Chicago, Illinois Park West King Crimson - Aug. 08, 2008 Chicago, Illinois Park West King Crimson - Aug. 11, 2008 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Keswick Theatre King Crimson - Aug. 12, 2008 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania K...

Film: Wall-E

precious wrote:i totally cried during wall-e, but i can't remember why because i was so stoned i forgot the whole movie.

i totally cried, totally sober. and i NEVER do that.

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