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ATR tape vs RMGI

Virtually all of my experiences with RMG gave me the opinion that the company was neither capable of making reliable tape nor particularly concerned that most of what they sent out was useless. Replacing bad reels is a meaningless formality when the time spent discovering that it is bad is worth a ...

m-s stereo mic technique

CDR-1 wrote:If I were to use this technique as the only micing setup for a rock band, would the opposite phase on the side signals cause problems for reproduction on a vinyl record?


no, once you've decoded to stereo it's just that.... a stereo recording, same as any other.


Carlec Soundfield


this forum stopped sending me messages when things get replied to.

but thanks for the info. it's good to know yours are also the MKIVs cause i thought the one i used in B sounded really nice.

still haven't bought it, but i plan on it.

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