Search found 1073 matches

engineering school vs internship vs doing it yourself

3 ADATs? On a budget? And you're not in charge? All of these things are absurd. Buy a protools system like someone else said, or buy one of these if you really want to have fun: like i said id much rather go completely analog. im not sure how my friend (who is paying for everything, or rather, his ...

band: new don cab

reluctantly, not crap. saw them about a month ago here in atlanta, and i was impressed with the new stuff and the surgical precision applied to re-creating the old stuff. disappointed in the lack of songs played from 'II'. but then again, i never saw the original don cab, so i might just be talking ...

engineering school vs internship vs doing it yourself

whew. okay. im sure theres a post about this earlier but im a bit on the impatient side and a little on the inebriated side of things at the moment, so ill resurrect the question with a brief introduction: okay, so i want to be an engineer. its what i want to be when i 'grow up' has been since 10th ...

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