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Little details from your day

That book is written by two friends of mine. It's OK. Stuey was a pretty strange guy. Amazing to watch, but ultimately a very sad character. I knew the story was a sad one, but I wasn't prepared for exactly how depressing it was. Also, I had no idea Michael Imperioli played him in a 2003 biopic. I ...

EA Usergroups

fancyjamtime wrote:People without animated gifs as avatars
People who don't understand jazz
People who don't need a rice cooker to properly cook rice
People who care about the recording of In Utero
People whose user name does not invite contempt

I'll join.

EA Usergroups

Lonesome Bulldog wrote:Should be groups for members with 1000+ post count, 3000+ etc.

There's already a ranking.

Should be based upon personality or"style?"

I think this is a cool idea, but I don't have any suggestions.

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