TV quiz show: Jeopardy! TV quiz show: Jeopardy!

It's fantastic.I've been in bed the past day and a half due to food poisoning and I was excited to see they've added many more episodes to Netflix. My favorite part of the show is that you can tell they don't go out of their way to polish the contestants at all through coaching or editing or whatever (mainly talking about the "get to know the contestants" bits)... Trebek will sometimes try and smooth out some awkward moments but generally they let it roll as-is, and this makes for some wonderful television. Seeing all types of real people acting like real people in the contrived setting of a television game show is great. And it's not funny in their expense usually, though there are some folks that are easy to cheer against. I'd feel awkward as hell up there too.

TV quiz show: Jeopardy! TV quiz show: Jeopardy!

zircona1 wrote:In college I played quiz bowl/academic bowl. There were your normal tournaments, where the questions were about art, history, literature, etc. Then there were Trash Tournaments, where the questions were all about pop culture - music, movies, popular books, etc. One year our team qualified for the national Trash Tournament ('Trashionals') in Boston. On one match we played, our opponents had a Jeopardy College Championship winner on their team. We didn't find this out until we talked to them after the match, I was like, "wow, so you won the car and everything?" She was like, "yep."Knowing this information made our victory over them all the more sweeter.That's awesome! I did quizbowl in college as well. We had a pretty incredible Trash team. Unfortunately, I dropped out of college two years in. I miss it so much.

TV quiz show: Jeopardy! TV quiz show: Jeopardy!

In college I played quiz bowl/academic bowl. There were your normal tournaments, where the questions were about art, history, literature, etc. Then there were Trash Tournaments, where the questions were all about pop culture - music, movies, popular books, etc. One year our team qualified for the national Trash Tournament ('Trashionals') in Boston. On one match we played, our opponents had a Jeopardy College Championship winner on their team. We didn't find this out until we talked to them after the match, I was like, "wow, so you won the car and everything?" She was like, "yep."Knowing this information made our victory over them all the more sweeter.

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