Fearsome and mammoth only allowable homophobe exposed thread

RSMurphy wrote:I could almost swear when referring to the cajun music that plays during his segments he called it "coon-ass." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoonassAlthough many Cajuns use the word in regard to themselves, other Cajuns view the term as an ethnic slur against the Cajun people, especially when used by non-Cajuns.So it seems he was being racist against Cajuns, not black people.
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Fearsome and mammoth only allowable homophobe exposed thread

Just one more thought about gnagle's objection, and that is why this particular thread? It seems as if the What Would You Name Your Queercore Band thread to be a more appropriate place to raise concerns of its humor being misinterpreted. Regardless, a couple of updates on posts made prior to his objection. EDIT: I am not saying that the WWYNYQB thread is in bad taste, well, it is and that's what makes it so good, and should be left to get buried; just that his point would have been more open to debate in that type of atmosphere. RSMurphy wrote:I'm not sure if conservative talk show host Michael Berry belongs here, but the situation of him being at a gay bar on drag night, as well as driving 70ft in reverse and slamming into a bouncer's car begs a mention.Michael Berry commits a hit-and-run at a gay barMaybe his heel got caught?Michael Berry respondsI've never listened to talk radio, and last night I wasted almost sixty minutes of my life on this guy's explanation. Before this situation I have never heard of Michael Berry, and on the surface it seems as if this conservative radio talk show host doesn't have the same issues as most of the cases in this thread, although, I could almost swear when referring to the cajun music that plays during his segments he called it "coon-ass." Haven't bothered to try listening again.RSMurphy wrote:AZ sheriff Paul Babeu admits to being a Bean QueenHe's not, however, admitting to attempting to deport his ex-boyfriend, a Mexican immigrant, after threatening to make the relationship public.The real gay agenda is progressing nicely.From the same blog...Hell hath no fury like a closet case scorned.
murderedman wrote:Your problem is your bloc attitude.

Fearsome and mammoth only allowable homophobe exposed thread

lemur68 wrote:RSMurphy wrote:I could almost swear when referring to the cajun music that plays during his segments he called it "coon-ass." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoonassAlthough many Cajuns use the word in regard to themselves, other Cajuns view the term as an ethnic slur against the Cajun people, especially when used by non-Cajuns.So it seems he was being racist against Cajuns, not black people.Actually, about that...you do realize that one reason we hate the french is because they invented the way black people talk.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Fearsome and mammoth only allowable homophobe exposed thread

lemur68 wrote:RSMurphy wrote:I could almost swear when referring to the cajun music that plays during his segments he called it "coon-ass." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CoonassAlthough many Cajuns use the word in regard to themselves, other Cajuns view the term as an ethnic slur against the Cajun people, especially when used by non-Cajuns.So it seems he was being racist against Cajuns, not black people.Actually, about that...you do realize that one reason we hate the french is because they invented the way black people talk.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

Fearsome and mammoth only allowable homophobe exposed thread

RSMurphy wrote: It's an interesting and altruistic concept to show these closet freaks a modicum of mercy, but I, we, just cannot. Maybe if one of these turds comes out of their own volition instead of being dragged kicking and screaming, as well as apologizing for all of the hurt and pain they've contributed to, sure.Really, really well put, Man! Thanks! And now, as for me, I'm going back to humor! I love you guys!

Fearsome and mammoth only allowable homophobe exposed thread

deep.BTUz wrote:Yo gnangle out-lefted the PRF! I didn't think it was possible. I totally understand that this thread is a form of satire, but if you think about, aren't these nut job hypocrites the ultimate victims? I mean if we're going to go with 'Born this way', where does the judgement begin? It makes me laugh in that it's almost a paradox.Here's where I draw the line(I'm only speaking for myself) -The making fun of Michelle Bachmann's husband(who may just be a flamboyant male) is as of right now, not cool. If it comes out that he is gay, that changes the entire picture. All of the "Pray away the gay" stuff is then taking place in an entirely different context. The judgment begins when you demonize others to create a hiding place for yourself. The people they demonize are the ultimate victims.

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