Film: Sorry to Bother You Film: Sorry to Bother You
41A film like Sorry To Bother You is always going to get more attention than a film like Black Girl. One is new, relatively mainstream with bankable actors, and in color. The other is none of those things. Sembene never had the sort of name recognition--or distribution for that matter--that a filmmaker of his stature deserves (in the US, at least) although Black Girl is fairly well known as far as these things go. But I don't know that too many meaningful comparisons cans be made between the two films. But also, I totally get it and empathize. When I was in college Le Samourai got a new print that was traveling around the art-house circuit around the same time that those Star Wars special editions came out in the theaters. I couldn't get a single person to go with me to see Le Samourai , even though it has an appealing, non-intimidating premise and these were supposedly arty college students. But man, they went in droves, in giant groups, to see a movie they'd all seen dozens of times that had two minutes worth of new CGI. It's just the way it goes. STBY is imperfect, and probably overhyped in lefty circles but I can't blame people for being excited about an relatively mainstream film with a such clear point of view. In execution, well, the film is scattershot in ways I thought both added and detracted from it. A lot of loose threads and not all of them delivered but I also appreciate the shaggy dog aspect to it and all the goofy little details. It's a good movie as opposed to a great one with some inspired gags and set-pieces.