Greg-Electrical Tech Journal
581Neotek Elite Channels Channel ?Intermittent switches in the signal path cutting out, or distorting the signal in various modes. I previously hit the suspect switches with an alcohol cleanse, exercise, then stabilant routine (via syringe). This had mixed results, probably due to the fact that the dirt can't escape, so it took it to the next level. I pulled the channel and took apart the switches. This way, I was able to scrub the parts individually with q-tips and apply the conductive lube in a clean way. I lost 3 of the 36 contact tension springs in the process (about 1 x 3mm in size), but had some spares to steal from. It's a little tricky to get them in there. A slight misjudgment sends the spring 15 feet off into oblivion (as far as my eyesight is concerned). I found my rhythm using a tiny flathead screwdriver (flathead wedged between the last turns of the spring, pressed the other end into the back of the wiper piece, compress and twist into place, drawing out the screwdriver with my finger holding the spring in place). This all took more time that I hoped. The faceplate had to come off and there were some stubborn nuts to remove. This problem is becoming more frequent. It would certainly be quicker to replace the switches. I'll wait to see if this channel gives us any more grief.Installed in Channel 2 position now.Channel 2-Pad and Phantom power switches intermittent.Pulled. It's worth noting that the microphone signal goes through the phantom power switch (as opposed to the switch just handling the 48 volts). It's just as important for it to be perfectly working as the pad switch. Replaced the switches with a pair of new gold contact versions. This took 5 minutes to do, mainly because they can be removed without taking the faceplate off.
Greg Norman FG