by Lonesome Bulldog_Archive
Little details from your workshop, etc. The humble and/or complex things we do in our free time, or for those clever folks, at our jobs. Yesterday I revamped my Avatar 4x10 with a blown speaker. Took the dead one out, took the 3rd good one out. Put the good 3rd into a 1x10 cab that came from a combo with a bad head. Cut the 4x10 cab in half. Used the scrap to close it up, and to make a panel for the 1x10 where the head used to be. Now I have a 1000W 2x10 and a 500W 1x10. Contemplating uses for the SWR 10" I took out of the little cab. Might throw it in my 4x10 Peavey Classic 50, to give it a little boomboom. One of those speakers has a patched cone anyway. AFAIK it's ok to mix-n-match. Starting to use my multimeter more frequently. This can only be a good thing. Also, partially mounted a pickup on my Panjo.Yes, that's a giant frying pan/one-string bass. Yes, it IS awesome.